Pure Pour, producers of the game-changing no-leak bottle pour spout, is offering North American bars and restaurants a limited-time test trial. The company will outfit any venue with a case of 100 Pure Pour spouts, so bars and restaurants can test the product for one full month and see how much money it saves them in bottle leaks and spillage. At the end of 30 days, if the venue is not pleased with the product, they can return the case. If they are satisfied, Pure Pour will bill them $169.00 for the case.
The spout puts a stop to bottle leaks and spillage, the #2 cause of beverage product loss according to the National Restaurant Association. The innovative design fits virtually any bottle and includes a snug-fitting bug cap. Pure Pour is made of FDA-approved food grade material, is dishwasher-safe, does not rust and lasts up to three times longer than other pour spots.
“I’ve worked as bartender for many years and I’ve witnessed first-hand how ineffective other pour spouts are and how much product (and money) is lost because of leaks, spillage and over-pouring,” said Pure Pour inventor and founder Dan Andrews. “I wanted a solution that would ensure that every drop in the bottle makes it into the glass and would maximum profitability for any restaurant or bar.”
Pure Pour prices range from $19.99 for a ten pack to $169.00 for a case of 100. Orders can be placed online or by calling 561-212-6260.