The tenth wave of the ongoing study by AMC Global (an international custom market research firm specializing in launch strategies and brand tracking) and OpinionRoute (a leader in insights process management) was recently released. As the United States begins phased reopening state-by-state, the research this week explored consumer thoughts and feelings about reopening states, businesses, and public spaces.
The study polled just over 300 U.S.-based general population of primary purchasers age 21+.
While many consumers’ personal “quarantine bubbles” are beginning to widen, not everyone is onboard with their state opening up quite yet. In fact, 29% of respondents believe “now is the right time to reopen,” with 54% claiming that openings are happening “too soon” in their state.
The same goes for businesses, where several are deemed appropriate to open now, while for others, it is just too soon.
When it comes to bars and restaurants, respondents answered different based on indoor and outdoor dining. For bars and restaurants with outdoor seating, 15% believed the establishments should have opened sooner in their state, 47% believe now is the right time to open, and 38% believe it is too soon.
When it comes to bars and restaurants with indoor seating, consumer sentiment changed. Only 8% believe the establishments should have opened sooner, 29% believe now is the right time, and a majority of 63% believe it is too soon for indoor dining in their state.
Other results from the survey found that a majority of those polled believe a second wave of COVID-19 is extremely likely (34%) or very likely (31%). Only 10% responded that a second wave is not too likely or not at all likely.
The study also found that the average number of people in a person’s “quarantine bubble” or the group they interact with has risen since the start of the pandemic from 3.3 people to 4.6 people.
To view the full results of the survey, click here.