Brew Pipeline, a direct-access platform between craft brewers and distributors, today announced its plans to have their Guest Brewer program up and running by March. Led by three industry veterans, Brew Pipeline was developed to create a number of programs designed to add incremental dollars to both brewers and distributors alike.
The first of their programs, Guest Brewer will bring exclusive beers from craft breweries to
untapped markets for a limited time. More than 70 award-winning breweries are gearing up to participate in the program.
“As consumers continue to support local brands, most craft brewers stay close to home and are left with a small geography that will not sustain their growth ,” said Marty Ochs, president of sales at Brew Pipeline. “As a result, distributors are hesitant to bring in more distant brewers, largely due to the effort required to sustain brand momentum. We created Brew Pipeline and Guest Brewer to solve this problem and disrupt the industry. Our goal is to provide greater access to the best craft beer available while boosting the bottom line for brewers and distributors.”
Guest Brewer is Brew Pipeline’s first step in connecting the best craft beers with the top 100 U.S. markets. With limited release schedules designed to drive demand, both brewers and distributors can test new markets with minimal commitment. They have developed a
user-friendly online portal that provides a one-stop solution for consolidated ordering for
production, marketing, cooperage, transport and state registration.
Guest Brewer’s values to key stakeholders include:
● Distributors: SKU-Managed solution that rotates brands with built-in logistics, delivered
pricing, and turn-key market support including chain interest
● Retailers: Meets consumer shopping interests; turn-key market support
● Breweries: Opportunity to reach new consumers with low-risk and minimal commitment
● Consumers: Brings popular new products to new markets driven by trial and discovery;
limited availability drives demand
“The Guest Brewer program is a great way for us to strategically seed new markets and connect with some of the best distributors in those regions,” said Robin Clement, owner of Monkless Belgian Ales. “We’re excited to have been selected as one of the first breweries on board and to share our beer with our fans across the country, as well as people that have yet to taste it.”
Brew Pipeline aims to give brewers the freedom to focus on brewing, while they handle all of the complex logistics from dock to market. Look for additional innovative programs in 2019 as Brew Pipeline expands its capabilities to packaging, contract brewing, and work within international markets.