The next evolution in the craft beer industry has begun. Brewed, the end to end solution for craft beer lovers nationwide, has launched its first set of functionality aimed at venues. Now, bars and restaurants can create customized, professional beer menus that can be accessed quickly by their customers on the web or via their mobile device. But, it’s not just craft beer menus that have put this company on the fast track.
Beer Menus
The beer menus offered by Brewed provide bars and restaurants with three different base templates that can then be customized to meet the demands of each venue. “Our beer menus can be customized to reflect the different style of each bar or restaurant. We recognize that each bar is different, so we refuse to believe they want a one-size-fits-all beer menu solution,” stated Renee Robbins, Brewed Vice President. “We’ve built a system that will allow venues to pick and choose the information, style, fonts, colors, and more.” An example of one of Brewed’s menus can be seen at
To make it as easy as possible for patrons, menus hosted with Brewed are accessible via the desktop, tablet, and smartphone. Brewed will soon release an update to their current iOS and Android app that will allow thirsty beer drinkers to search these menus and find the beers they’ve been looking for. Until the update is released, beer lovers can discover brewfests near them by downloading Brewed’s current app, available on Android and iOS.
Beyond The Menu: Brewed Beacon Technology
Beer menus are just the first step in a long list of functionality aimed at better connecting venues with current and future customers. Also included in the base package, is something the company is calling, “Brewed Beacon Technology”. “Through Brewed’s custom technology we are easily able to identify a patron’s preferences in beer. We gather that information and present it to the venue in a way that allows them to make more informed decisions about the beer they stock to attract these potential customers. We can do all of this while respecting the beer drinker’s privacy. It’s amazing technology that is unique to us. We’re very proud of it.” says Brewed President, Paul Robbins.
Still, that’s not all. More functionality is already in development to provide an all-in-one solution that connects the brewery, patron, and venue. Brewed is updating their current app to provide users with the ability to search for beers, venues, and events nationwide. The app will also have a newsfeed component that will incorporate updates from users and feature announcements from venues and breweries.
Bars and restaurants that take advantage of Brewed’s launch sale will be able to generate their online beer menu now and will be the first to access the coming soon functionality as it is released. The launch sale provides access to Brewed at 50% off the regular package rate for the first six months. Venues need to use promo code LAUNCHSALE50 when registering.