Start-up company Pure Southern, maker of ready-to-drink cocktails, hired Flowdesign to develop branding, label design and to provide package vendor consulting.
Pure Southern cocktails are all natural and made in the South using a simple philosophy: high quality spirits mixed with fresh ingredients. These refreshing cocktails are inspired by unique locales deep in the heart of the South.
Flowdesign worked hand-in-hand with Pure Southern through all aspects of the package development. First, the team considered the bottler to learn its bottling and labeling capabilities. Flowdesign then offered several appropriate design solutions. Next, Flowdesign developed several brand icons, fonts and label layouts that, at first glance, convey the feeling of southern living: sitting on the front porch relaxing and drinking a cool refreshing southern cocktail beverage. “The client chose branding that utilizes bold, simple fonts circling a tree swing logo,” says Dan Matauch, principle of Flowdesign.
Founded in 1997, Flowdesign has won many awards, but success is not defined by awards alone. Brand and packaging success is measured by product sales and that’s exactly where we excel. Learn more at