Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending, the only nationally-accredited gaming and bartending school in the country that accepts financial aid, has expanded its reach once again. Originally launched in 1983 in New Orleans, Ricky Richard, one of the owners, is pleased to announce a new westside location at 3275 S. Jones Blvd., Suite 101 in Las Vegas, to complement the School’s current location on Sandhill Road on the eastside.
“With gaming and bartending growing at a faster rate than most industries, and many states legalizing gaming, the demand for well-trained casino dealers and bartenders has never been better, says Richard. “We want to be close and convenient for all students across the Las Vegas Valley and this new location helps us do that.” The new Crescent campus officially opened yesterday and is accepting new students.
On the gaming side of the business, Crescent offers a two-game training program, as well as a Comprehensive Gaming Program where students learn to deal five games including, blackjack, poker, craps, baccarat, and roulette. Crescent also offers a three-week bartending course and a Bartending/Beverage Management program for more advanced instruction. Job placement is provided. The Crescent staff has contacts with many of the hiring managers in the area. It’s commonplace for Crescent students to be hired and working before they even finish their training program.
Richard remarks: “What it takes to be an exceptional dealer in Las Vegas, or anywhere for that matter, is changing. Being able to interact with players is just as important now as knowing all the right techniques and skills. Some of the larger casinos have responded by requiring panel interviews before an audition to make sure that a potential dealer can show his/her personality on the table. Our curriculum takes this into account. Most students qualify for financial aid and can start our gaming or bartending program for no money down. It’s a great way to begin a new career that’s fun at the same time.”
Other Crescent locations in the U.S. include: New Orleans, LA; Gulfport, MS; and Tunica Resorts, MS. The School also offers a foreign student VISA program approved by the U.S.
government for students to train at the Crescent campus of their choice.