Breaking Bad Stars Launch Mezcal

Dos Hombres Mezcal Aaron Paul Bryan CranstonAaron Paul and Bryan Cranston broke out of the lab to mix, mingle, and unveil their one-of-a-kind Dos Hombres Mezcal at the iconic Napoleon House in New Orleans, on Friday, July 19, 2019 during the 2019 Tales of the Cocktail.

The event featured the Breaking Bad TV show co-stars, Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston, and their smooth, slightly smoky mezcal at the historic landmark—and celebrated their quest to introduce their spirit to the New Orleans community.

Napoleon House owner Ralph Brennan was enticed behind the bar by the two Hollywood partners in crime, offering tastings of Dos Hombres Mezcal produced from a small village of San Luis del Rio, a remote area Oaxaca, Mexico.

The beloved bar and restaurant served three ways to imbibe their unique blend of the finest Espadin agave – from a neat pour to adventurous cocktails made with either Pineapple Shrub or Mango Puree, Lime Juice and Jalapeño.

The Mezcal-filled day broke the mold in typical New Orleans fashion as Napoleon House welcomed the dynamic duo, and they will be serving up the top-shelf, addictive artisanal mezcal from here on out.