St. Paddy’s Pours

Announcing Swift Hibernian Lounge’s new cocktail, The Van Diemen’s Land, made with Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey and fresh pressed Granny Smith Apple juice. The nutty, spicy and vanilla notes of Black Barrel contrast perfectly with the crisp, bright flavor of freshly juiced Granny Smith Apples.

Jameson Black Barrel
A combination of pot-still and grain whiskey, Jameson Black Barrel is unique in that some of the pot still whiskey is finished in re-charred bourbon barrels. These re-charred barrels give Black Barrel an extra sweet vanilla flavor that is perfect for this cocktail.

Granny Smith Apples
Named for Maria Anne ‘Granny’ Smith, a renowned apple farmer near Sydney, Australia, the Granny Smith Apple developed accidentally from the seedlings of Tasmanian crab apples. Its bright green color and crisp sweet flavor quickly made it extremely popular locally and by the start of the 20th century was being exported to many parts of the world.
The color, crispness and sweetness make the Granny Smith a perfect complement to Jameson Black Barrel.

1 ½ oz Jameson Black Barrel Whiskey
1 Whole Granny Smith Apple
Juice Granny Smith Apple is a fruit juicer and combine all ingredients in a highball glass with ice. Serve immediately.

Van Diemen’s Land
Now known as Tasmania, an island state that is part of the Commonwealth of Australia, Van Diemen’s Land was a formal penal colony, many of its ‘visitors’ being of Irish descent. It features in Jonathan Swift’s seminal work, Gulliver’s Travels, as the reference point for the location of Lilliput, the fictional island inhabited by a race of miniature people.

Tasmania is also one of the world’s largest apple growing regions.

This drink, widely popular in Australia where the Granny Smith Apple originated, is relatively unknown in the US and will be launching at Swift Hibernian Lounge for the St. Patrick’s Day season on Saturday, March 15 and will be available thereafter. Each drink will be juiced to order, minimizing oxidation and maintaining its vibrant natural green color.

Indeed, this color makes it perfect for the season at hand.