National Strawberry Day Cocktail Recipes

This Monday, February 27th, marks the second full moon of 2023 and in addition to the celestial event, it’s National Strawberry Day. To celebrate, Hendrick’s Gin has crafted two cocktails with its newest expression, Lunar, for a weekend of stellar celebrations.

Strawberry Moon Spritz

hendrick's strawberry cocktail recipeIngredients:
1 ½ part Hendrick’s Lunar
½ part Maraschino Liqueur
½ part Lemon Juice
Top with Club Soda

Build in a wine glass over ice. Lightly churn and garnish with strawberry slices and cucumber slices.

Photo courtesy of Vance Henderson.


Secretary Strawberry

Hendrick's strawberry cocktail recipeIngredients:
1 ½ part Hendrick’s Gin
½ part Yellow Chartreuse
¾ part Lemon Juice
1 part Strawberry Syrup
Club Soda

Build in a highball glass over ice. Top with club soda. Garnish with strawberries.

Photo courtesy of Erik Andersson.