On Friday, October 9, countries around the world will be celebrating the egg as one of the most versatile foods on the market as part of World Egg Day. A delicious way to honor the day is with VOV, the traditional Italian Zabajone Cream Liqueur, made from egg yolks, sugar, the highest quality, aged Sicilian Marsala wine, alcohol and pure vanilla from Madagascar. VOV was created in 1845 by Gian Battista Pezziol, a confectioner and nougat specialist from Padua. Looking for a way to use the leftover egg yolks from his nougat-making process, Pezziol mixed them with Marsala wine, alcohol and sugar to make an energy drink, a popular trend at the time. He named the beverage VOV, short for “vovi,” the Venetian word for eggs. An immediate success, the drink won a silver medal in 1856. That same year, the Archduke of the Court of Vienna issued a patent with the royal double-headed eagle. The spirit remained prevalent into the 20th century and was consumed by the troops during World War II for its energizing properties. VOV is still produced following the original recipe, using only the finest ingredients including fresh eggs farmed in Italy; aged Marsala wine; pure sugar beet, the best for solubility and purity; pure grain alcohol, distilled multiple times in Italy; and the finest vanilla from Madagascar. VOV is produced without the addition of any milk, coloring, preservatives or additives. All ingredients are natural and never GMO (Genetically Modified Organism).
VOV’s unique flavor should be enjoyed warm, chilled or on the rocks. VOV is also the perfect substitute for modern and classic cocktails that call for a fresh egg or key ingredient in creamy cocktails. Suggestions include:

