West Virginians can now enjoy a Bloody Mary during their Sunday brunch following legislation signed by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin that changed the on-premise serving hours for alcohol from 1 p.m. to 10 a.m., if approved by local option.
SB 298, the local-option brunch bill, had wide support as it passed unanimously through the Senate with only 18 votes against it in the House.
“There has been broad support for the Brunch Bill and we commend lawmakers for listening to West Virginia consumers,” said Distilled Spirits Council Vice President David Wojnar. “Similarly, the ability to buy spirits on Sunday is the next logical step in providing consumers the choice and convenience they demand. We look forward to working with lawmakers to further modernize West Virginia’s alcohol laws.”
Since 2002, 16 states have passed Sunday sales legislation bringing the total to 38 states.