Tales of the Cocktail Foundation is honored to announce a special edition of Tales on Tour 2019 will occur in Puerto Rico, in an effort to help the territory rebuild through supporting the region’s spirits community and hospitality industry. The four-day festival will occur from March 10 – 13, 2019. Old San Juan will be the host city for Tales on Tour with Hotel El Convento serving as the host hotel.
Tales on Tour is an annual initiative that partners Tales of the Cocktail Foundation with a domestic or international host city outside of New Orleans to further the foundation’s mission to educate, advance, and support the industry on a global scale.
“As New Orleanians, we live in a city rebuilt on hospitality in the wake of a natural disaster,” shared Gary Solomon, Jr., Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of Tales of the Cocktail Foundation. “New Orleans’ culinary scene was instrumental in New Orleans’ long
road to rebuilding and financial recovery. That shared sentiment really drew us to help a sister city through a genuine lens of hospitality.”
The Foundation’s Executive Board, Gary Solomon Jr. and Neal Bodenheimer, along with Executive Director, Caroline Rosen, recently conducted a trip to Puerto Rico to meet with bar owners, spirits professionals, and organizations like Discover Puerto Rico, firsthand
earlier this year. In doing so, they found there is a robust and beloved cocktail scene, that given support and resources, could prove impactful in the territory’s ongoing efforts to rebuild.
One of those bars that solidified the foundation’s decision to venture to Puerto Rico was La Factoria, a 2018 finalist for a Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Award. La Factoria’s team will be a close partner for Tales on Tour 2019, working alongside the Executive Team to host a special takeover event during the festival. Co-founder, Roberto Berdecia shared, “It has been a very tough year and it has been incredible to see all of the support from the outside. Bringing Tales on Tour to Puerto Rico is going to make us feel part of something bigger. Those who come here will feel what we call ‘calor caribeño,’ meaning, make them part of the family!”
Similar to Tales of the Cocktail 2018, Tales on Tour will include a Day of Service, a Day of Education, Beyond the Bar programming centered on mental health and wellness programming, Spirited Dinners, and the organization’s signature Cocktail Apprentice Program.
“We are delighted that Puerto Rico has been chosen to host Tales of The Cocktail on Tour in 2019. There is no better place than Puerto Rico, the rum capital of the world, to bring together thousands of hospitality professionals from around the world and give them the opportunity to discover Puerto Rico, immerse themselves in the culinary and mixology scene while also learning about our culture and heritage,” said Brad Dean, CEO Discover Puerto Rico. “Aside from having a significant impact in the visitor economy of Puerto Rico, it will also offer the local industry a vehicle for continued education. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
More details will be released in the weeks to come as programming is announced.