The Oregon Liquor Control Commission unanimously passed a rule on December 17, 2010 requiring 45 days prior notice hearing before implementing any new markups, fees or surcharges on distilled spirits, according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States.
“The OLCC’s new rule on spirits markeups is an excellent example of transparent government,” said Peter Cressy, President of the Distilled Spirits Council. “The OLCC and Chairman Lang are to be commended for their excellent leadership and commitment to good government and responsible business practices.”
The new ruling includes four provisions required before the Commission may implement a surcharge or change in the mark-up percentage for spirits that would result in a price increase for the public:
1) Provide at least 45 days public notice before such a price increase takes effect.
2) Provide the opportunity for submission of written comments regarding the proposed price increase.
3) Conduct a public meeting for the purpose of receiving verbal comment regarding the proposed price increase.
4) Consider any written or verbal comments before implementing such a price increase.