The U.S. craft distillery industry has undergone record-level growth in recent years. Craft distilleries, also called micro-distilleries have more than doubled in two years and the sector has grown from just 50 distilleries in operation in 2005 to over 250 operating across 45 states in 2012, according to the American Distilling Institute.
There has been tremendous growth in farm wineries (17%), microbreweries (74%), cideries (83%), farm distilleries (211%), and hop production (400%). A question from entrepreneurs thinking about moonshine, whiskey, vodka, and the many variations of distilled beverages is, “What can you actually do as a New York farm distillery?”
On October 3, 2012, Governor Cuomo signed a new Farm Distillery Bill that makes a positive opportunity even more appealing. The big change is opening up more options for direct sale of farm distilled spirits. Distilled spirits are still more tightly controlled than beer, cider, or wine, but now they can offer tastings and sell them at tradeshows, Farmers’ Markets and State and County Fairs. This small gesture by New York has resulted in many new businesses starting up from scratch. It has been a catalyst for new investment and new jobs.
First-You can make moonshine, whiskey, vodka, or whatever distilled spirit you like. You have to license a specific location and they will want the details of your equipment and what you are planning on making, but the recipe is largely up to you. The real catch is that you have to use primarily New York farm and food products as ingredients. Fortunately, NY grows a lot of great stuff around the state, so there are still plenty of options.
Second- You can bottle the liquor you make for sale in containers of one quart or less. You can sell directly to pretty much anyone in the state licensed to buy, including direct to consumers, to restaurants, bars, and liquor stores, to wholesalers, and to other farm distilleries, wineries, and breweries. You can also sell at tradeshows, farmers’ markets, the New York State Fair, and many county fairs.
Third- You can sell in bulk to other distilleries and wineries for use in combined spirits, like fruit brandies.
Fourth- You can combine your farm distillery on the premises of most other licensed producers. So, you can add a farm distillery to another distillery, a winery, or farm winery.
What about a distillery pub? You can also have a separately licensed restaurant on the same premises as the farm distillery that can serve beer, wine, and liquor. So, there isn’t a single license for the distillery pub, but you can still do it by getting both a farm distillery and retail restaurant license for the same place.
“Timing and location are everything,” says RDP’s Sharmayne Wesler. “We’re dedicated to providing a comprehensive experience at the leading edge of the holiday buying season: from exhibition to education, from tiny hand-craft to mass market, from competitions to charitable efforts.”
The 2013 show features over 400 vendors and over 150 sampling brands with the newest products, services, technologies and ideas for exhibitors and delegates alike to take their businesses to the next level. Show guests can network and learn from thousands of like-minded experts, brands and mixologists from every corner of the hospitality industry to energize their businesses.
This year craft is king with four new pavilions: Park Street Imports’ Emerging Brands Pavilion, A Craft Spirits Pavilion and a Craft beer Pavilion, along with SIP Japan’s new Pavilion. The SIP Japan Pavilion will feature over sixty brands from Japan with tastings and demonstrations along with education to introduce sakes and shochus to the show attendees. MHW, the premier distributor for classic and emerging brands will host a pavilion and cocktail lounge with a fabulous bar highlighting many of their brands including this year’s NY Original Cocktail Competition
Sponsor “Soyombo”
This year marks the ninth year of the show’s epic New York Cocktail Competition and the debut of a number of brands, notably the new Mongolian Vodka: Soyombo. Competitors will create, demonstrate and sample their creations before a panel of distinguished judges in the hopes of winning not only the coveted title, but also cash prizes amounting to $3000.
The show boasts an outstanding seminar series—eighteen in all: including The US Drinks Conference and SIP Japan. Seminar and presentation topics range from “Boutique Distilleries” and “Learning how to Make More Profits While Working Less” to The US Drinks Conference’s “Regulatory and US Distribution Systems” and Setting a Marketing Budget for your Brand Launch” (more info at SIP Japan offers seminars on “Coming to America: A US Import/Export Primer for Japanese Alcohol Producers” and “Sake/Sochu 101.”
There’s the prestigious New York World Wine and Spirits Competition, in its third year at the Javits. This competition—one of “The Triple Crown of Wine and Spirits Competitions,” along with The San Francisco International Wine Exhibition and the San Francisco World Wine Competition–pits competitors in dozens of categories—white and brown goods, cordials, liqueurs, wines, and others—before a distinguished panel of judges. Brands interested in entering can do so at
Show hours are Monday, September 9th, 2013-12noon – 6:00 PM and Tuesday, September 10th, 201312noon – 5:00 PM at the Javits Center-Hall 1A, at West 38th Street and 11th Avenues, New York, NY 10001.
Other show sponsors include The Tasting Panel, MHW, Ltd; Genesis Beverage Brands; SIP Japan; New York Lottery “Quick Draw”; Shadow Beverage Group, Ltd; Soyombo Vodka; Saharas Nuts; Park Street Imports; Bonfun; Royal Moscato Rose; Shiftgig; Prefunc;; Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association; Shakestir; Sociallybuzz; Modern Distillery Age and Smart Bar Products.
“We’re providing fun along with the serious side of the business,” Wesler concludes. “We’ve a great kickoff party on the eve of the show (September 8) sponsored by Shadow Beverages. We’re looking forward to welcoming the world to New York.”
Admission for show floor exhibits is $40 between now and August 30th, and $55 after the 30th and at the door. Admission for the World-Class Seminar Series, plus Show Floor Exhibits is $140 until August 30th, and $175 after the 30th and at the door. To purchase tickets, visit or call The RDP Group @
(800) 243-9774.