Fittingly, the day after National Repeal Day is Bartender Appreciation Day, started by Sailor Jerry Rum to pay homage the hard work behind the bar. Here a pair of recipes to help celebrate today.
December 6th marks Bartender Appreciation Day, a celebration to honor the guys and girls who spend time all year long listening to our woes, giving us advise and of course, a great pour. Sailor Jerry Rum started the holiday to pay homage to the great service of bartenders around the country and they have released this special toast for Bartender Appreciation Day, below.
“Here’s to the men and women who give up their late nights out, so we can have ours. Who make our drinks, pour our shots, and give us our nightly meal of nuts and pretzels. We honor their hard work and their unwavering patience. Without them, we would be out on the street or even worse, stuck at home. On December 6th, we raise our glass in solidarity.”
To celebrate BAD, Sailor Jerry and ran a contest to search for the most appreciated bartender in the country, and the winner has just been named. Justin Adame from Austin’s very own Thirsty Nickel beat out thousands of bartenders from around the country and this Friday night, he will be awarded a massive Sailor Jerry fueled party at his bar, featuring the brands iconic 92-proof spiced rum and a live performance by internationally-renowned punk rock band The Bronx.
The following are two cocktail recipes from two eras; one is the Sailor’s Sidecar from the Prohibition-era followed by a very modern-day recipe, The Hellfire.
The Sailor Sidecar
1.5 oz. Sailor Jerry Rum
.75 oz Cointreau
.5 oz. Lemon Juice
.25 oz. smoked pineapple syrup
1 dash orange bitters 1 dash celery bitters
Rim chilled coupe in with zest sugar. Shake, double strain into coupe, and serve. For garnish: microplane grapefruit & orange zest into sugar in the raw (muddle).
The Hellfire
1 part Sailor Jerry
2 dashes Tabasco
1/4 of a Fresh Lime
1 part Ginger Beer Pilsner beer of your favorite lager beer
Method: Squeeze quarter of a lime into beer glass. Fill with ice, add tabasco, Sailor Jerry and ginger beer. Top with beer.