Mezcal Confessions

For nearly a decade, a small group of artists, musicians, writers and travelers have been drinking Ilegal Mezcal, a spirit with a history that includes smuggling and weeklong parties in a clandestine bar in Guatemala. Most were following a path without a back-up plan, living by a code they set for themselves, some just passing trough. They took Ilegal Mezcal and friendships back and forth across many borders, and told their stories….  

Ilegal has been described as the “rock & roll” brand of a very fine booze. They have never exactly played by industry rules; it’s not really they’re style. They’ve certainly ruffled a few feathers along the way.

For starters, they never intended to create a liquor brand; rather, they were creating a great bar in Guatemala and stirring things up a bit by combining a spirit they loved with music, art and the written word. Out of that, somehow, a brand was born. And now, instead of launching a traditional ad campaign, they’re introducing a social experiment focusing on that Outlaw lurking within us all. The Outlaw that embraces their own inner self, song, scream, beauty, beat.

They are intrigued by what happens when people push their own boundaries or cross a line drawn by another. They applaud those who turn away or stand their ground when something confronts their dignity, which is why they want to know your story.  There are stories of liberation and self-definition in everyone. These are some of the stories they found fascinating of people living by their own rules. These are their Ilegal Confessions.

For additional information about the campaign or to submit your own confession, please visit