A Festive Four Loko Treat


According to CNN.com’s eatocracy, Four Loko, the caffeinated alcoholic beverage that has been stirring up all sorts of controversy, is now being used in holiday goodies. These treats are festively named Four Loko Holiday Balls.

They may not be your typical Christmas cookies, but they seem to be well-liked by learned palates, such as the new editor-in-chief of Bon Appetit Adam Rapoport.

Here’s the recipe, so you can share these Four Loko bites with everyone!

-2 ½ cups graham crackers, crushed

-2 cups powdered sugar

-1/4 cup of light corn syrup

-2 tbsp Rose’s Lime Juice (or any citrus cordial)

-1/2 cup fruit punch flavored Four Loko

Mix all ingredients together until thoroughly blended. Roll into ½ inch balls and dredge in additional powdered sugar.