Tag: covid-19 relief
How COVID-19 Could Be Impacting Your Insurance
In its recent State of Coronavirus and Insurance Report, InsuranceQuotes.com details many of the ways the insurance world has been affected by COVID-19, and...
USBG Foundation Dedicated to Raising an Additional $10 million For COVID-19...
The USBG National Charity Foundation (USBGNCF) Board Member and Director Kim Haasarud gave her fourth weekly Instagram Live update on the Bartender Emergency Assistance...
Taffer’s Mixologist Virtual Bar for Out-of-Work Bartenders
In an effort to help bartenders who are currently out of work due to the coronavirus pandemic, Taffer’s Mixologist is looking for people to...
Harpoon Releases Community Ale to Support COVID-19 Relief
Harpoon Brewery announced a new beer to support the frontline workers and hospitality professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: Harpoon “For The Frontline.” A portion...
Virtual Bar Offers Relief to Bartenders
Cocktail lovers across the country are reading about the collapse of the restaurant industry, and mixing cocktails with increasingly paltry pantries. Meanwhile, talented bartenders...
3 Things to Do Before Reopening Your Bar
If you’ve owned a bar for a while, chances are you’ve seen just about anything and everything. You’ve been through so many situations and...
Grey Goose Launches House Pour: Social Series Benefitting Out-of-Work Bartenders
As part of its ongoing commitment to the preservation of the hospitality industry, Grey Goose is hiring out-of-work bartenders for House Pour, a new...
USBG Foundation Increases Its Grant Disbursements
The USBG National Charity Foundation (USBGNCF) Board Member and Director Kim Haasarud gave the third weekly Instagram Live update on the Bartender Emergency Assistance...
Yuengling Donates $50,000 to TAPS for COVID-19 Relief
D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery®, announced today it will donate $50,000 to TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) as part of...
Lone Star Beer Launches New Mexican Lager and COVID-19 Relief for...
Lone Star Beer announces the latest line in the beloved family of Lone Star Beers: Rio Jade
(Ree-Oh Hah-Day). Rio Jade: The New Taste of...
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