Campari America Toasts LGBT Members of Bar Community

With June being Gay Pride Month around the US, Campari America spoke to LGBT bartenders across the country about how they got into the bar business, what they love about it and where they see it going next. Our own SKYY Vodka has been a strong supporter of the LGBT community for decades and also a proud supporter of the fight for marriage equality with its Toast to Marriage campaign with Freedom to Marry. This month, through our continuing #Spirited series, we highlight the LGBT individuals who are part of our diverse spirits industry.

With two former pastry chefs, two medical school students and a tattoo artist – among others – this diverse group demonstrates how many paths can lead behind the bar, and how being a bartender and being a surgeon are perhaps not so different! Join us in celebrating LGBT professionals in the bar industry by using the hashtag #SpiritedPride all month long.Special thanks to Cooper Cheatham and GLASS (Gay & Lesbian Alliance for Spirited Sipping) for their support in helping to bring these Q&As to fruition. Learn more about GLASS.

To see the full article from Campari America and the bartender profiles, click here.