Bar Business Magazine recently interviewed Trevor Schneider, Reyka Vodka Ambassador, about all things vodka, summer cocktails, and COVID-19.
1. What makes Reyka Vodka different from other vodkas?
“One of the biggest differences is that Reyka Vodka uses Icelandic glacial spring water, which is arguably some of cleanest water in the world and adds to Reyka’s silky finish.”
2. What flavors do you see trending in summer cocktails this year?
“The flavors that I see trending this summer are the easy ones considering this new world we live in!”
3. How can bartenders use vodka in more inventive ways?
“I think the most inventive ways that bartenders could use vodka is through infusion. This allows them to create something original with high-quality ingredients and take the customers experience to the next level.”
4. How are you using social media to stay connected with consumers and the trade?
“I developed a cocktail series with my wife (Emily Schneider) on Instagram, which has been really fun to create. Each video is a simple “how to” highlighting different vodka cocktails, from the basics like a vodka-cranberry to more elaborate cocktails like the Espresso Martini. It’s been really fun to see what my followers come up with and answer cocktail questions I normally would in person.”
5. Tell us about the cocktail demo videos you’ve been making for Instagram.
“The concept started when my wife wanted to learn how to make cocktails on her own. After teaching a few I thought, why not make videos for everyone. Honestly, I feel like she wanted another platform to put me in my place. Haha!”
6. Do you have any advice for bar staff in these strange times?
“These are unprecedented times. My only piece of advice that I could give is to start thinking outside of the box for opportunities. I’ve seen a lot of brands in the industry offering to help support bartenders with a variety of tasks from cocktail creation to social media posts.”
7. What’s your favorite Reyka Vodka cocktail recipe?
“Hands down the Icelandic Espresso Martini.”
Here’s the recipe for the Icelandic Espresso Martini by Trevor:
2 parts Reyka Vodka
1 part espresso
.5 part simple syrup
Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker, shake, strain into a martini glass, and garnish with 3 espresso beans.