The ancient Hindu festival Holi is March 28-29. The joyous two-day festival is one of the most venerable in India, and it’s now honored all over the world.
On the first day of the festival, people traditionally gather around a bonfire to commemorate the triumph of good over evil. On the second day, the revelry continues in earnest. Observances involve throwing multicolored perfumed powder (called Gulal) with friends and family in salute to love and equality, creating a glorious rainbow in parks and gardens across the globe.
Holi Festival is also known as “The Festival of Colors,” “The Festival of Love,” and “The Festival of Spring.”
Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin, a gin derived from the ancient Indian knowledge of herbs with 11 botanicals used in the distillation (seven sourced from all four corners of India), has crafted two colorful cocktails to help you celebrate Holi.
Jaisalmer Indian Spring
1 oz Matcha Tea*
.5 oz Agave syrup
.5 Fresh lemon juice
.5 Apple juice
1.5 oz Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin
For the matcha tea, please follow the ratios on your matcha powder packaging. For the cocktail, combine all ingredients in a shaker. Add ice. Shake hard and double strain into a large wine glass or goblet over ice. Garnish with cucumber slices, green apple slices and a mint sprig.
Jaisalmer Golden Sunset
.5 oz Fresh lime juice
1 oz Turmeric & Pineapple Syrup *
1.5 oz Jaisalmer India Craft Gin
For the syrup, combine 8 oz cold pressed pineapple juice and 1 cup sugar of your choice.
Add .5 tsp Burlap & Barrel New Harvest Turmeric. Warm the components in a saucepan over medium heat until ingredients are fully combined. Remove from heat and allow to cool. This should keep in the refrigerator for at least a week. For the cocktail, combine all ingredients in a shaker tin, add ice, and shake hard. Double strain into a rocks glass. Add ice and garnish with a dried pineapple ring, or a pineapple leaf.